
Thursday, July 21, 2011

Things That Make Me Happy

Sunset near the beach:  A walk along the marine lines gazing at the departing sun and listening to the splashing sea waves on the wall… swinging in and out… walking by the chaupati, where you can feel the cool water on your feet, and the rushing sand under the toes…

Laughing: When my family sits together, and we laugh on most minor and trivial issues till we get rolling on the  floor!

A hug from my love: Feels like I am the most protected person on this earth…! It’s a speechless experience where 26 alphabets and millions of word combination become so trifling to explain…

The family fight: No, no!! Not the real one! It’s what we called as love wrestling!! It’s our family game!!We fight like small kids, but we have fun as if we are best pals!!  We have battle with most hits and most kissed! Normally the match is between me and my dad where mom is a referee! Its total fun for which I, infact we 3, wait eagerly every time!

Pani-Puri: Muumuu! Dont have words for that! My mouth has already started watering…  Bye… I am out to have those!!

Till the time you keep commenting! Cause each new comment I receive I do get very happy to see those comments!! I am sure you will make me happy!!

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