
Saturday, February 11, 2012

10 Tips to surprise her this Valentine's Day

Some are cliche ideas, some innovative. But your beloved would definitely be impressed if you surprise her using any of these tips:

1. Send her a bouquet at her office or at midnight. Flowers always work!
2. Facebook status update - Write something to show how much you love her. Keep the status intact at least for the entire day ;)

3. YouTube - Upload a video declaring your undying love for her.
4. Cook for her... and cook good.

5. Recreate your first proposal / date scene. If it hasn't happened yet -ask her out now!
6. The evergreen hand written love letter never fails.

7. Send her romantic text messages at random intervals... but not every 5 mins ;)
8. If you stay together, nothing's better than a candlelit room... of course, I mean aromatic ones!

 9. Make one of her wishes come true.
10. Even if you really think so, do not tell her how you hate Valentine's Day if she really likes the day.

    It's true that love's in the air every single moment. But it's also true that we don't feel its presence given our busy lifestyle. Having a day in the year, 14th February, dedicated to it is cute. All right, many debate it being a marketing stuff etc etc and enough controversy is generated on Valentine's Day as well, but then don't we celebrate other days too?

    C'mon, don't tell me you don't feel that people are more romantic and behave better on that one day. Whatever be the 'hype', it does make a sweet difference.

    Let's spread love... we need it at such times, isn't it?


    1. It's so beautiful to be in love!!!

    2. Sweet post!
      I'm following - please do the same :)

      xx, Susann
      Fashion in Pepperland

    3. Hahaa, wonderful post! ;)

      Following you now!! :)


    4. Hope you had a nice valentines day!
