
Monday, March 26, 2012

Are We Pakistanis ?

There are times when something strikes my mind with enormous power, a strange question that usually arises whenever I see, feel, realize or be a victim of something most commonly known as DISCRIMINATION !!!

And the question is ARE WE PAKISTANIS?? well, My Straight answer would be NO !!! :) Strange right? but let me explain why did I say that !

We as a nation lacks unity, we can be punjabi, sindhi, balochi, pathan, muhajir etc etc etc !!!but none of us would be “ONLY PAKISTANI:)”I know when I say this thing a lot of friends get emotional and aggressive !that we are Pakistanis and then something else ( like Punjabi, Sindhi etc etc) but My Question is …. Why Do we need anything else after calling ourselves Pakistani :) ?

Let me share a little incident with you;2 years back I was sitting in my class and the topic of discussion among my friends was which of the Cast or Provincial identity is SUPERIOR or is the most ancient :) Everyone gave their opinions how Sindhis from the era of Muhammed Bin Qasim, Punjabis from the Era of Mughals, Balochis from the Era of Changez Khan , Pathan from the era of HAZRAT SULEIMAN (A.S.) etc etc

I kept on listening to this endless and USELESS debate for almost half an hour and to end the debate I quoted something from the Last Sermon of HOLY PROPHET (S.A.W.W.)

“All mankind is from Adam and Eve, an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a white has no superiority over black nor a black has any superiority over white except by piety and good action!”

This is my message to the whole nation and especially to all my friends :) Why do we become Pakistani when its 14th August or Cricket World Cup ? why not the whole year ?? ask yourself and you would know that What I am telling is the Bitter Truth !

I remember last time when I saw Unity in Pakistani Nation was way back in September 2006 when we had a natural disaster ( Earth Quake Victims Help Campaigns ) Do we need disasters to keep ourselves united or is there anything that can keep us united without these DISASTERS ?Kindly share your views !!!No offense meant to any cast, provincial identity or any individual


  1. You are absolutely right. I like the style in which you write :)
    Kisses, Vegaa

  2. So true! We Moroccans have that too. So wrong!


  3. Of course we can follow each other :)

  4. Hi! Yes, we can follow each other :) Love your blog

  5. I would love to follow each other, i really liked your blog :D

    ps : already followed you :D

  6. Great post!!!so true;)
    Yeah,i follow you,thanks for ur comment on My blog!!!

  7. sure, we can follow each other.
    now i'm waiting for you :)

  8. Ohh thanks! ;) I am pleased to.;D

  9. I think in many countries, nations there is problem that you described. They are unity only when something bad happens. But on the other hand, it's hard to be unity all the time, you know? People are just people, they just can't like each other and they have difficulty in finding unity with other people but when diseaster happens, then it easier to help, to talk, maybe that's why people are unity only when something bad happens, it's just a nature of people :)

    1. Totally agree with u dear thank for ur gr8 comment..:)

  10. Look at India, then look at Pakistan. India is far from the ideal nation state, but Pakistan is a right royal mess. India has prospered as the economy has grown. This economic growth has lessened the appeal of caste and geographical origin. Admittedly, caste does play a material part in India, but it's pull is lesser than it has ever been. I believe that Pakistan has possibly traveled to far down the wrong road for the ship to be righted. Pakistan has no economic hope. Nor does it have the cultural power of India. In the possible absence of any hope, the pull of tribe, caste and skin color exerts a illegitimate power over Pakistan. Or does Pakistan have hope for the future? Perhaps Zial Ul Haq's ferocious hatred of India was the seed which has resulted in the thorny bush that has come to symbolize today's Pakistan not withstanding the East Pakistan tragedy. Perhaps not, but I believe that were to Pakistan become more accommodating towards its Christian and Hindu minorities, if feudalism's power over Pakistan politics were to be diminished, and if the Pakistan's Army did not become the raison d'etre of Pakistan, then she has hope. In any event, ¡forza Barca!

  11. I also agree that other nations have this ethnic or regional duality, nations such as Spain and Italy respectively, but these countries have still relatively prospered. Nigeria has not prospered in spite of the enormous wealth of oil found under her many highways and by lanes, but the Germans have, and enormously so. Why has not southern Belgium prospered but the United States has?

  12. I still carry a fond hope in my heart, that I will walk the streets of a prosperous Karachi and Lahore someday. After all, India is to Pakistan as Cain was to Abel; India is to Pakistan as Issac was to Esau; India is to Pakistan as Romulus was to Remus; India is to Pakistan as South Korea is to North Korea; Simply put, I carry a fond hope in my heart that I will one day freely walk the streets of a prosperous Pakistan.

    1. Inshallah my friend and thanks alot for your contribution and share ur valuable comments I really appreciate that..:)

  13. Many people forget their nationality, and only agree to things sports, natural disasters or accidents. I loved the entry.
    I follow you, kisses ..


  14. You got a new reader .

    Here's my blog : )

  15. Thanks for following my blog! I'm following back!

  16. hey thanks for your comment! I'm following you! hope you follow meback :)


  17. Thank you for the comment :) Yes, i follow your blog, follow me too :) *

  18. Nice blog... following!!
    Kisses from Brazil.

    Cleo de Lucca

  19. Thats a very nice post! I can completely relate to it because though I'm from India, here also people always put their own caste/state/community before anything else and more than half the nation has a problem with intercaste/community marriages. All these concepts just do nothing other than ruining national integrity.

  20. of course we can follow each other:)
    big kiss:*

  21. Nice blog, Ok we can;) I follow and I'm waiting for your follow ;D

  22. Yes, I already follow you :)

  23. I already follow yours!!!

    Hope you follow me back!!!

    Nice blog!!
