
Sunday, October 21, 2012

Malala Yousafzai The Hidden Truth

Today the world and especially the whole Pakistani nation is forced to make their mind set that Malala Yousafzai is the girl of the nation, she is the star and she represents Pakistani women. Let me clear, who is making Malala famous, who is giving you ideas and reports regarding Malala? Yes it is no other than media. Think for a while, there is no Malala and everyone is busy in showing hatred against the anti Islam film. The image of America in Pakistani society is going towards downfall. People in the form of rallies discouraging drone attacks. Our media is on the forefront in the cause.

Malala After Recovery Pictures

Just if you are wondering, pic on left appeared in British Media today.

What happened next? Suddenly Malala Yousafzai appeared on the scene media reported she was attacked in Swat while going to school with her fellows. Of course when so ever there comes such news that 14 years old girl shot by someone, this thing must be condemned by everyone. Why Malala was attacked so late, after a year ago after operation Swat? Why she was attacked soon after the release of anti-Islamic film. Why media is giving so much hype to the issue? Why Obama shared words for Malala, why she always appeared in the pictures with American people? Why Chief of Army Staff is visiting Malala? Why ISPR is giving messages for Malala’s health?

Yes these are the questions that one should think with open mind. Most of you must have remembered the incident of Arfa Kareem, yet there was coverage but no political and army official was involved on such a wide scale. There was no such support from America. Media is working on its theory known as Magic Bullet Theory, forcefully it is taking attention of people from one issue to another that is in the benefit of America. There is no single person who can think over the strategies behind.  Take the case of Mukhtara Mai, all was scam but she got famous just because of American support. So this is the background.

We here are not disgracing Malala, she is truly a face of proud for Pakistan and we are praying for her health. What do you think, is this attack is done by Taliban? The responsibility of this act is taken by Taliban, as Hamid Mir receives a text from the group. On the other hand Rehman Malik is saying that there is a new Talbanic group who is accepting the responsibility. We are now forced to think that this is just an American propaganda, everything is clear from the back ground picture, the present scenario and who will get benefit from all this.

 Why the other girls that were with Malala not  given an appropriate coverage by media. They were also injured. There are lots of questions that must be answered by our politicians and media.

Now after this Malala incident:
  1. Are you against the killing of Talibans? 
  2. Now do you remember the past reaction of anti-Islamic film that was created by Americans? 
  3. Do you think there should be drone attacks for the killing of Talibans
Readers,What do you think Malala Yousafzai incident has created soft corner for America in Pakistan. It is all due to Media and with the help of few corrupt politicians. We people are being used in the hands of media. The innocent proud of Pakistan is working for America, although she is unaware of the fact. We have found some pictures, on which we don’t want to comment. The decision of truthfulness of this case is on the judgement of readers. We are neutral neither supporting Talibans nor do Americans. These are just facts; we are not giving conclusion for this it is up to the readers what they takes out from the whole story.    PAKISTAN ZINDABAD!!


  1. lolx no one is going to comment here coz people dont want to listen the truth :P

  2. I just realized that when ever USA support something, there might be a big trouble for Muslims or Pakistan.

  3. malala has done nothing for children and why thay are giving her so much hype.because she is agent of kufar.

    1. Most talibans are illiterate, with hard-core misogynist attitudes towards the females. Malala's intelligence is evidently a thorn in the savage eyes of women-haters. Females are brighter than the males and the males know this. She is the beacon of light for all opressed girls not only in Pakistan but the entire world. How cowardly to think that she was influenced by the west. On the contrary, she teaches the west. She is the future. The future is female.
      Half the Talibans should wear the burkha and be blindfolded. Then sent to schools in the remaining areas where the fanatics operate. To experience first hand the savagery of the feudal fanatics who are bringing shame on islam.

    2. Oh wowww her intelligence? I am literally impressed!

    3. What is your knowledge of Taliban may I ask? It makes me want to throw up when someone takes her side and not talibans, Taliban were supported by America in war with soviet union, do you know that? Malala is just another character created by cia to keep people distracted from major issues knucklehead!


  4. This article is really awesome!

  5. Some one should show this to media and this thing should get good coverage

  6. that is true malala is agent of usa

  7. Yes, I am against killing. Full stop.
    Dress the barbarians in burkha and send them to school. Employ imams to explain the Qu'ran properly to the ignorant talibans.

    Malala is NOTan american agent. She can think for herself. A true revolutionary act. It is the talibans who are the agents of the CIA. The CIA had trained them in the 1970's. The american arms manufacturers want to use the stockpile of weapons, in order to pile up more weapons. The talibans are war-mongerers just like the american state.

    1. and who trained that creeper to sell his daughter????

  8. Great article.the world needs to know the truth about Malala & how it was all planned by the USA some of this info in my school presentation Called "Malala Yousafzai : The Hidden Truth" #Peace

  9. Actually malala father was an owner and a principle of one private school and malala was studying in that school too. When the taliban occupied swat at that time she was 9 years old and because of conflict the business of her father's school was suffering (bcz no students were attending the school), SO her dad came with an clever idea by sending letters to BBC Urdu about the taliban daily activities by endorsing his daughter name.
    When the dust of taliban settled in the area, her dad came forward and showed evidence to the media that it is her younger daughter malala who was sending daily dairy to the BBC Urdu website just to gain fame, attention and cash prizes by presenting her daughter to the world.
    IF some one read those daily dairies sent by malala, it can be crystal clear that the way those dairies were drafted it CANNOT be a work of any minor girl of 9 years old but are drafted by some adult (in that case her father).
    Further to prove my arguments, You can ask any girl of 9 years old from any highly rated best educational institution in Pakistan to simply write down her daily activities or to write about some thing she had oberved recently, then u will get the answer how a 9 years old will write in urdu and how she will elaborate the things in her/his un-mature urdu, but in Malala case, the daily dairies sent by her were carefully drafted and there is a continuation in the sequences of the incidents which she explained in her dairies.
    NOw after putting forward his daughter to the media, she turned out to be a goose which lay golden eggs and he started recieving cash prices in millions in different cermonies either from Prime Minister of Pakistan and other Ministers which we all know.
    After the Malala firing incident her father was illegally appointed in Pakistan embassy in UK by-passing the merit and the path for cleared for their family to finally settle in europe (which was their ultimate goal by creating all this malala drama).
    NOW where is the media, did someone from the media bothered to ask her dad that (1) if he was so much worried about the education of girls in Pakistan then why he left his private run school in swat? (2)why he accepted the JOb in pakistan embassy aginst the merit? (3)if his daughter was really an itelligent girl, can he show her academic record to the media while she was studying there? (4) why his all family settled in UK?
    I hope all the facts are clear by now to everyone who support this malala fever.

    1. is this true please post a link where you got this information from thanks

  10. It grieves me to know that we pakistani are so gullible and stupid one after n other,we believe every bullshit feeded to us by the americans and by our american controlled media.They deceive us not only by their theatricts by they send innocent looking girls like Malala,who belong to our commuity,our country and our religon to spit on our faces and make us look like tom,dick and harry at the same time.Only solution to this problem is the we should stop praising and supporting not only americans but anyone who is their ally,even if it a 14 year old conservative pakistani muslim girl. No one can be really trusted,not even the most innocent teenage girl or boy.

  11. Wow. You people are truly fucked in the head. Seriously, you'll beleive any insanely crazy crap if it fits what you want to beleive, won't you? All this conspiracy stuff doesn't even make sense! You honestly think Taliban *wouldn't* shoot a girl for not behaving they way she's supposed to, but all this crazy conspiracy stuff is more believable. The Taliban said they did it, what more proof do you need? Yeah, it's not fair that Malala gets a lot more attention than other people who are also suffering, but, uh...have you ever opened your eyes and ears and looked at the world of human behaviour at all? That's what people do! One random person here or there gets famous for whatever, meanwhile hundreds or thousands doing the same thing don't get famous. It's called - "what happens every day in every country". Were you born yesterday? Have you ever left your house or watched a TV?

    The reporter HAS to grow a beard and all that when he's in a place like Pakistan. That's YOUR rule, so he follows it. When he goes home he shaves. It's not a conspiracy, it's called being polite and following the local rules so as not to upset YOU.

    You truly have NO understanding whatsoever of how western people think or what they beleive or how their societies operate, but you're willing to believe crazy theories about them. Many, many people are against the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, many are against the drones. There's very complicated issues involved. There are many divisions and disagreements about these complicated issues. But the case of Malala caught peoples' attention for a very different reason,and it touches upon basic issues that ALL western people agree on 100%, so it is easy to get support.

    Yes, you Pakistani are incredibly gullible and stupid. My god.

  12. Great effort to put the facts on record!!! Yes that’s the truth behind the scene; this was all staged for some specific purpose of proceeding to the satanic agenda of US and Western “Governments”. Let me clear here that the people of US & other western countries are against this international terror by the US and NATO forces and are now raising voice against the US policy to rule the world by cultivating, funding and spreading terrorism.
    The facts can easily be gathered from internet, and if you go in history you will find almost the same drama played by Americans in 1990 before launching the WAR against IRAQ. A young girl named Naira the daughter of a kuwaiti ambassador in US was given a written script to read in front of the international media and the so called Human Rights Activists and the Congress claiming to witness some un proven brutal acts of Iraqi soldiers in Kuwait. Im sure if you see the video and the related videos on the internet you can simply judge if it was real or a fake story or drama created by the senior Bush govt to get the support from people of US and other western countries for waging war against Iraq which senior Bush was planning long back but was not acquiring adequate support from the people of US but he succeeded after this show. Operation Desert Storm launched killing 135,000 Iraqi people and approx 1 Million including children and old further died after the war as a result of 10 years sanctions imposed on Iraq by the US. “THE PUPOSE OF US WAGING WAR AGAINST IRAQ WAS NOT TO PROTECT THE PEOPLE OF KUWAIT, NOT TO DISARM IRAQ FROM CHEMICAL OR BIOLOGICAL OR NUCLEAR WEAPONS WHICH WERE NEVER FOUND BY INTERNATIONAL INSPECTORS EVEN AFTER WAR. THE ONLY PURPOSE WAS TO GET CONTROL OVER THE MASSIVE OIL RESERVES”. Prove if this is wrong…..

    The drama of Malala is of the same kind as people of Pakistan were opposing operation in Waziristan and to keep the momentum going on this event was staged. Sad to say that our own people are part of this play and are playing havoc to destabilize the country just for their vested interest. Remember people, nothing just happens …everything is planned

    1. yahan koi smjhta hi nahi is bat ko
      i hate her because wo Pakistan ki side nahi wo america ki side hai :'3 huh!!!

  13. Mala father is an intellignet person, securing his future income and life-time career for his daughter by doing simple deal with US. Self interest like always !!!!!

  14. Nice effort to highlight the main points regarding to malala. I want to know this reality also that "the views of Malala about Parda and islam is correct?" Try to share something about it also if u know. thanks.

  15. Nice effort. I agree with you. Malala is a game. I want to know about saying of malala about Parda and beard? that news is true?
