

 My First Blog Award! Yay Me! I'm super ecstatic and truly honored to say that I've received my very FIRST blog award! I want give a HUGE thanks to Hamza  for giving me this award. It definitely gives you an ego boost and makes you feel appreciated . Thanks again so much Hamza, you rock!

“Every time I read his blog I feel genuineness and the real feeling behind his words. He totally deserves this award. Kudos.’’

Secondly thank you so much kiran  and thank you who read this blog, thank you VERY much! I also have to thank the Within My World blog for passing the award and for being a Life for Rent reader!
This was a big surprise! As you know, I’ve only been blogging for a couple of months and the award is a very welcome incentive to keep blogging! If you’re a fellow blogger, you know it’s hard work!  I love reading your comments and commenting back!

“Nice people have nicer Blogs. There are no two opinions about that. Go and see what makes her blog "Interesting"